15 Minimalist Desk Setup Ideas That Will Inspire You to Get Organized

Whether you're a minimalist to the core or simply like things neat, a minimalist desk setup offers incredible advantages on the mental and material plane. Minimalist principles are, in essence, about conscious decision-making and living a purpose-driven life.

It's understanding what resonates with you on a very personal level, what brings more beauty and joy to your life and what is just taking up space. As The Minimalists eloquently state, "Minimalists search for happiness not through things, but through life itself."

Whether you’re thinking about a work-from-home setup while searching for homes for sale in Atlanta or an apartment for rent in Seattle, your workstation is the perfect backdrop for embracing this philosophy. After all, do you really need 25 different writing utensils, three notebooks, every-color-in-the-rainbow sticky notes, and pictures of friends you last saw in high school? Yes? If they bring you joy, then keep them, by all means!

Once you've decluttered, cleaned and streamlined, you can create a space for the things that matter the most. And, in the process, you'll not only clean your desk but your mind as well.

Let's explore the neuroscience behind having a clean desk and the 15 best minimalist desk setups to help you get there.

minimal desk setup with dual monitor setup and plenty of desk space -- works as a gaming desk setup that easily converts to a workspace

Clearing your workstation — clearing your mind

Numerous studies in Harvard Business Review confirm what you innately know: clutter affects your productivity while increasing stress and anxiety. How many times have you wasted precious minutes searching for a document in a pile of papers, growing increasingly agitated? As a human, probably many. Life gets busy, and cleaning the desk gets buried in the pile of the many "to-do's."

These studies also prove clutter's negative effect on the ability to focus, distracting you from your best intentions. It can even increase the tendency to snack on junk food. With that in mind, let's tackle your desk and create a minimalist desk setup one step at a time.

KonMari certified professional organizer, Karla Ann Carter, shares how "styling a minimal desk with the KonMari method requires thoughtful introspection." She recommends considering the questions, "What things bring joy to your workplace?" and "What items do you need close at hand?" 

all white desk setup with pink accents and natural light, perfect for keeping things minimal and bright

1. Get a fresh start

To create a desk that leaves you inspired, you need to start with a fresh, clean slate. Remove everything and put it in a box or two. If you need more than two boxes, well, we'll discuss that later.

Design-centric tech platform, Archsplace, shares how a minimalist desk setup can be a "game-changer for productivity and aesthetic appeal." For those stumped on where to begin, Archsplace's innovative platform offers the opportunity to "find and work with experienced decorators who can tailor a minimalist design to your specific needs."

Jen Heim with Sustainable Simplicity Organizing calls removing "unnecessary items that you are not currency working with or using daily," the "key to a minimalist desk setup." Items she recommends discarding include "dry-rotting rubber bands or the 20 extra pens" you may have.

Before you begin, the team with Aloha Chicks shares how they implement a simple practice known as "K.I.S.S." which means "keep it super simple." They also prioritize form and function; "select three of your top aesthetic sensibilities" and consider if "your form supports its intended use." 

2. Choose the right desk

For some, creating a minimalist desk setup may require a new desk. Fortunately, today's designs offer simple solutions that can replace big, bulky and uninspiring models. Consider wall-mounted desks that free up space while creating a clean, uncluttered look. Some even double as bookshelves or fold down from the wall for optimum aesthetics.

A simple desk with room for a set of drawers or filing cabinets underneath gives you the space you need to keep your desktop clean and clear.

Mehgan Garder with Central Coast Sorting shares how for a minimalist desk look, her favorite selection is "a desk that has drawers."

A desk with drawers is great for organization. Professional home organizer and owner of Purge, Steffany Duncan, recommends utilizing "organizers or drawers to store pens, papers, and other supplies" so that they are out of sight.


3. Approaching the minimalist mindset for desk setups

Before indulging in the dividers and shelves that can help you maintain order, it's time to inspect your belongings. If you're a "things" person, this activity can be a little challenging. Put on some soft jazz or music with nature sounds and get into your Zen zone. Then, put each item you pick up into a keep, toss or give-away pile.

Remember, the minimalist mindset is based on the theory that "less is more." Everything you own either serves a purpose or contributes to your peace of mind. Imagine every item you let go of reducing stress, increasing productivity and enhancing your life. Ask questions like, "Do I need this? Does it add beauty? Does it bring joy?"

Do you know that some minimalists have pared down their belongings to less than 100 items? That's everything — clothes, shoes, furniture, and pens. Hard to imagine, right?

Minimal desk helps reduce distractions in the home office. Plus, only having one laptop instead of two monitors means a smaller footprint office that helps you stay alert while reducing clutter

4. Stick on an under-desk drawer

Drawers are extremely helpful in maintaining a clutter-free desk zone. If you don't have drawers, a simple solution is self-adhesive under-desk drawers. Add drawer organizers to ensure every item has a place to call home.

The idea is to keep as much as possible off your desk. A minimalist desk setup typically consists of your computer, a lamp, and maybe a picture or plant. Pairing down to that level makes you look at each item you own through the lens of value and love.

5. Do away with wires

Wires have no place in a minimalist desk setup. Fortunately, we live in a wireless world!

Nicole Naugle, professional organizer, and stylist, shares how loose wires can detract from achieving a minimalist desk setup. To tackle this, Nicole shares how you can either opt for "a wireless keyboard and mouse" or organize your wires with items such as cable organizers and cable clips.

6. Create space with a desk organizer

For some people, opening a drawer whenever they need a pen, scissors, or notepad can suck the joy right out of their clutter-free desk. If you can relate, a desk organizer adds a little more "stuff" to your desktop but puts everything you use daily in easy reach.

Ronni Weston, professional organizer for Simply Spruced Organizing suggests using "a simple, two-folder system where every piece of paper is put in one of the folders based on what you need to do with it." Of the two folders, one should be designated for "action items" and the other for "items to file." Ronni adds how the remainder of your loose papers "should be recycled or shredded as they come into your home."

In addition to this method, Lauren Henderson, owner and organizer for Sort and Simplify Organizing recommends using "letter trays, simple file folders, and dedicated drawers" for loose papers."


7. Use understated design elements

Some minimalists consider an all-white color scheme the best approach. However, neutral colors can bring the natural world indoors and add a nice design element. Ideally, keep the color palette monochromatic with varying shades of the same hue. Colors to consider include natural wood tones, blue, gray, taupe, and soft green.

From desks to storage cabinets, a minimalist desk setup considers natural materials, a simple design, and straight lines.

8. Go paper free

Going paperless is one of the best ways to achieve a minimalist desk setup. And thanks to today's digital world, it's possible! Receipt and paper scanners let you store important documents on your computer, backing them up to an external drive or cloud storage service. Note-taking apps rid your space of Post-it notes, and digital to-do lists keep your life organized.


9. Optimize light

The right lighting improves productivity and enhances your workspace. Adjustable task lighting is ideal for your desk, illuminating the activity at hand. Consider LED desk lamps with a swing arm and adjustable temperature and brightness settings. The most important consideration? Make sure you love it.

10. Add life to your minimalist setup

One or two plants add life and beauty to your space. We care for them, and, in turn, they care for us. Numerous studies show their many health benefits include improving air quality, increasing feelings of well-being, reducing stress and improving concentration. Plants shown to improve the air include spider plants, Boston ferns, and bamboo palms.


11. Enjoy an artistic touch

One breathtaking painting or beautiful nature scene can refresh your senses and improve your mental outlook. From a tropical waterfall to endless waves or mountain peaks, choose an image that inspires you.

12. Add a cabinet

We know minimalism is more about subtracting than adding. However, to keep things off your desk requires a place to put them. Not all of us can pare down to 100 items! A small, streamlined upper cabinet with two or three shelves creates a space for books, journals, inspiring quotes and photos.

You can ensure it blends in with your design by choosing bamboo, wood, or metal units and sticking to the same color scheme. You can even use wire shelves for an industrial look. Consider ones with doors if you want to retain the ultimate minimalist decor.


13. Hang a shelf above your desk

One simple shelf above your desk gives you the space you need to keep everything off your desk. This solution is ideal for smaller desks and if you have a creative muse who enjoys vision boards, writing, and drawing. In one quick maneuver, the few items on your desk can transfer to the shelf, giving you the space to create.

14. Install a vertical shelving unit

A thin vertical shelving unit tucked next to the desk in a corner wall offers a space for color-coordinated baskets, a few books, and a plant. Choose square wicker baskets that slide right into the shelf and look like they belong.

These can hold your current projects in organized files for easy access. Consider placing a philodendron plant on the top shelf, letting it cascade down, bringing a touch of greenery.


15. Sit comfortably

While standup desks are growing in popularity, thanks to the phrase, "Sitting is as bad as smoking," many people still prefer to sit at their desks. Minimalist desk chairs follow the monochromatic rule and blend in with your chosen design. They are also simple (instead of big and bulky), comfortable and ergonomically designed. Popular options include those with wooden legs.

The minimalist approach to desk design

Minimalism is all about functionality. It's ridding yourself of chaos and embracing a simpler lifestyle where everything has a purpose and a place. Laura DeJohn with All Checked-Off Professional Organizing shares that "setting up a home office will look differently for different people" and that "it is important to ask yourself how you work before deciding what you'll need." However, once you've achieved your desired look, maintaining it is crucial; to do this, Laura Henderson recommends "taking time at the end of each work day to clear the clutter and reset the space."

The post 15 Minimalist Desk Setup Ideas That Will Inspire You to Get Organized appeared first on Apartment Living Tips - Apartment Tips from ApartmentGuide.com.

source https://www.apartmentguide.com/blog/minimalist-desk-setup-ideas-that-will-inspire-you-to-get-organized/


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